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We conceive of our creative work as existing within cycles. Each cycle is centered around certain materials and processes that are speaking to us individually and together. We revisit these materials in order to examine them from different angles, to see what else might be illuminated. 


Many performances are site specific and rooted in our engagement in DIY artist communities. Our work is often performed at events in bars, yards, and houses as well as in traditional concert dance spaces. These events, many of which we curate ourselves, bring together visual artists, musicians, performers, and artists from a wide variety of media to create community events that spark cross-disciplinary dialogue. This curatorial practice has been central to the collective since our founding in 2015. We are interested in how a friendship can also feed creative research and how to sustainably make and present work outside of a major city and within DIY artist communities. 

Current Cycle V

2023 -

proximity, form // frill

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Photos by Otis Wheeler, Josie Bettman, Nat Baldwin, Matt Krefting, Haley Morgan, Sarah De Araujo, Erik Brown


September 20, 2024 - Holyoke Media in Holyoke MA as part of SIDEWAYS DOOR 3. with Nat Baldwin, Arien Wilkerson/GLORYHOLE, and Bobby LaBitch & Kieran Lally.

September 19, 2024 - PULP Gallery in Holyoke MA as part of SIDEWAYS DOOR 3. with Greg Kelley & Yoona Kim, Julia Handschuh & Anna Hendricks, Jimena Bermejo & Jeff Huckleberry, and Ron Schneiderman.

September 7, 2024 - Unnameable Books in Turners Falls MA as part of Audible Bite 

September 5, 2024 on MISHMASH-WBCR

August 11, 2024 - The Sunspot in Northampton MA (collaboration with Sunburned Hand of the Man). with Kryssi & Wednesday, Willie Lane, and Obscuress

August 8, 2024 - The Guilded Brick in Holyoke MA. with Jayson Keery and Aaron Rosenblum

July 26, 2024 - DanceBARN Festival in Battle Lake, MN. with Sarah Dahnke and Cara Hagan

July 19, 2024 - House/Barn Show in Ashfield MA. with Bromp Treb and Connect Four

July 14, 2024 - The Clark Art Institute in Williamstown MA. with Ximena Bedoya

May 26, 2024 - Cold Spring Hollow in Belchertown MA. with SickFit, Useless Little, Tempestade, and Diagram A/Noise Nomads Duo

April 12, 2024 - CTSB in Lee MA collaboration with Sunburned Hand of the Man. with Gluebag.

January 19, 2024 - The Workroom at 33 Hawley St. in Northampton MA. with Julia Hanschuh & Anna Hendricks, Anne Woodhull, Jules Skloot, and Roy Faudree. 

December 31, 2023 - First Night in Northampton MA

December 16, 2023 - Looky Here Gala in Greenfield MA. with Shea Mowat and Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth

December 6, 2023 - Hutghi's in Westfield MA. with Animal Piss It's Everywhere, Sunburned Hand of the Man, and  Ryan Davis & the Roadhouse Band

December 1, 2023 - LOCULUS Studios in Holyoke MA. with Hana Van Der Kolk

September 7, 2023 - FKA Comics in Northampton MA. with Sediment Club and Container

August 12, 2023 - Audible Bite 4 in Millers Falls MA. with Aisha Burns 

June 24, 2023 -  Anchor House of Artists Northampton, MA with Jen Gelineau, Nat Baldwin, and Jake Meginsky

March 25, 2023 - LOCULUS Studios, Holyoke MA with Molly McBride, Jen Gelineau, and Caleb Chase

Cycle IV

2021 - 2022

Site specific/outdoors, accumulation, counterbalance, wood & metal, shrouding (fabric, tinfoil, plastic), imprint, voice

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Photos by Marc Candilore, Matt Krefting, Matt Flynn, Molly McBride, Rebecca Tanner


November 4, 2022 - Hampshire College, Amherst MA with Milarepa Dorji, Noa Jacques/Alina Jacobs, and Camilo Angeles/Henry Fraser/Jason Nazary

October 9, 2022 - Cold Spring Hollow, Belchertown MA

August 28, 2022 - 10.Forward, Greenfield MA with Hectorine and Omega Mansions

July 23, 2022 - DanceBARN, Battle Lake MN 

July 30, 2022 - 10.Forward, Greenfield MA with Bed Bits and Petite Garcon

May 7, 2022 - 33 Hawley, Northampton MA as a part of HUT with PussyVision and Francis Lo

August 1, 2021 - 10.Forward, Greenfield MA with Solo Termite and Son of Earth

July 31, 2021 - 33 Hawley, Northampton MA with Subira vs Movement//Lauren Horn, Sara Smith, and Jayson Keery

July 24, 2021 - Treiber Farms, Peconic NY with Leah Fournier + Amelia Heintzelman

Cycle III


long distance

COVID interruption

walking, playlists, scores

24 songs • 12 from each of us

odd # tracks and vids contributed and loosely directed by Madison and made by Olana • even # tracks and vids contributed and loosely directed by Olana and made by Madison

edited using every cheese iMovie transition by Olana

cover art by Madison

Cycle II

2019 - 2020

long distance

lightbulbs, (ripping off) set choreography, loops, line dances, realtree, resonance, metallic surfaces

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                                                          Photo by David Russell (2019)

Photo by Erica Turett (2020)


February 1, 2020 - The Living Gallery, Brooklyn NY with Josie Bettman, moonmoon, Bromp Treb, and Sunk Heaven

January 30th, 2020 - 10.Forward, Greenfield MA with Lena Abraham, and Nemesister for The Star Show 

November 23rd, 2019 - 10.Forward, Greenfield MA with Glynnis Eldridge, Ten Gallon Hat, and Millers 

Cycle I

2017 - 2019

long distance

wigs, sequins, rocks, country music, noise

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                                                                         Photo by Anna Maynard (2019) 

Photo by Erik Brown (2019) 

Photo by Walter Wlodarczyk (2018) 


August 7th, 2019 - Cold Spring Hollow, Belchertown MA with Twin Aperture, Fake Object, Dialtone/Scald Hymn duo, Cryovacs, and Jacob Winans 

July 14th, 2019 - 10.Forward, Greenfield MA with Underwear and Close Body Talent 

August 16th, 2018 - The Glove, Brooklyn NY at a clowning Function with Poncili Creacion

August 14th, 2018 - Mascher Space Coop, Philadelphia PA with Anna Wotring and Kate Seethaler 

August 10th, 2018 - The Root Cellar, Greenfield MA with Dan Cashman, PussyVision, and Curtain Lump 

August 8th, 2018 - The Apohadion Theater, Portland ME with Lauren Toswill + John Fireman and TIME 

Other Performances: 

DIVE, Flywheel (2019) 

Not Much Out There But Mallards, SCDT (2016)

Locstock, Hadley MA (2016)

House of One, Florence Civic Center (2016)

Hampshire College Family and Friends Weekend Dance Performance (2015)

no/body wins, Eastworks (2015)

Where the knife hits the wall, Hadley American Legion (2015)

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